Saturday, April 28, 2012

Getting Back in the Dating Game Part 1

I had been out of the dating world for over 12 years - not that I was much of a dater back then.

On my 21st birthday I met the biggest asshole (yes, more of an ass than Dick) that I dated for 2 long years. This relationship was abusive - mentally, physically, and emotionally. He had the cheesiest pick up line ever and me being inexperienced was swept off my feet. What an idiot I was. It went something like this:

James: "Hi there. Where's your boyfriend."
Me: "Me? Oh, I'm alone."
James: "Well, what if I told you you'd never have to be alone again?"

A year after that relationship ended I had built myself into a strong, confident, independent woman. I was working and going to college full-time. I was also working out at a local gym 4 days a week. Life was GREAT! In June of 1996, Dick joined the gym and asked me out and the rest of that relationship is history.

So, now it is time to get back into the dating game. Hold on and enjoy the ride!


  1. Ya know what - I would have fallen for the same line. All that proves is that you have a sensitive heart - and that's a good thing! You are still a strong, confident, independent woman - just remember that! Any man needs to EARN you! Go get 'em chickie!!

  2. I agree that a sensitive heart is good but sometimes I think people take advantage of those of us with sensitive hearts.

    Thanks for your kind words.

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